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How to get a Portkey account?

You can sign up in Portkey using your social info: email address, Google account, Apple ID, and Telegram account. It follows these steps:

  1. Choose the type of info you want to use for account creation and enter it.
    • During this step, Portkey will randomly assign you a decentralised verifier to your sign-up account. If you want to know what a verifier is, please read this.
  2. Your sign-up account will then receive a verification code and you need to enter it in Portkey.
  3. Then you can set a PIN/enable biometric authentication, like face ID and touch ID, for your device.
    • A PIN is like a password that's only valid on this device. If you log in on other devices later, you need to set a separate PIN for that device.
  4. Your account has just been created.

Upon account creation, the info you use to register is set as your first guardian as well as the login account. To strengthen account security, Portkey encourages you to add more guardians before you start managing your assets or using any DApps.