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Obtain SEED

What is SEED

SEED is a special NFT item issued on aelf. Projects can obtain SEED through purchasing, auctioning, or application processes via the Symbol Market which will be live on aelf in October, and the link will be provided then. Each SEED can be used to create a token or NFT collection. Wallet addresses holding the SEED can initiate the creation of tokens or NFT collections through the Symbol Market or the NFT marketplaces within the aelf ecosystem, thereby proceeding to the issuance phase.

The information stored in a SEED's external info represents the details needed to create a token. This information represents the symbol of the token or NFT collection that the SEED can be utilized to create. In the aelf ecosystem, the symbol serves as the unique identifier for tokens, ensuring their authenticity.

How to get SEED

You can obtain SEED through the Symbol Market:

  1. Search for the symbol of the token you want to create.
  2. Check the availability of the SEED for that symbol.
  3. You can acquire it through purchasing or bidding.
  4. If your token has been issued on another chain, we have already reserved it for you. You can apply to purchase it.
  • Acquire through trading on Symbol Market (Feature).
    The generated SEED will be associated with your account. You can use the MultiToken contract to create the corresponding token.