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*API references


interface DetectProviderOptions {
timeout?: number; // default is 3000 ms

function detectProvider<T extends IPortkeyProvider = IPortkeyProvider>(
options?: DetectProviderOptions
): Promise<T | null>;

Promise<IPortkeyProvider | null>;


function isPortkeyProvider<T extends IPortkeyProvider = IPortkeyProvider>(
provider: unknown
): provider is T;

Basic Type Definition


interface Provider {
isPortkey: boolean;
isConnected(): boolean;
on(event: DappEvents, callback: ( any) => void): this;
once(event: DappEvents, callback: ( any) => void): this;
removeListener(event: DappEvents, callback: ( any) => void): this;
request<T extends MethodResponse = any>(params: RequestOption): Promise<T>;
getChain(chainId: ChainId): Promise<IChain>;

1. isPortkey : boolean

Determines whether the current environment is Portkey, if everything works well, it is true.

2. isConnected()

Use it to detect if the current Portkey APP's wallet is connected.

if (!provider.isConnected()) {
// Portkey APP's wallet is not connected
alert("it seems that we have lost the APP's wallet connection");
throw new Error("wallet disconnected...");

3. on(event,callback) / once(event,callback)

on(event,callback) is used to listen to the events triggered by Portkey APP.

once(event,callback) works in a similar way, but it will only be triggered once.

// Portkey APP's wallet is connected
// Portkey APP's wallet's accounts have changed

4. removeListener(event,callback)

Use this method to remove the listener you added before.

If you wish your listener to be removed after it is triggered, use once(event,callback) will be more efficient.

Since you need to process the function object as the parameter, you need to keep a reference to the function object.

const listener = ()=> {
// Portkey APP's wallet is connected

5. request<T>(params)

See Request Method & Generic Type for more details.

provider.request({ method: "42" }).then((result: any) => {
// Do something with the result
// When using typescript, you can see type definition if you call particular method name
provider.request({ method: "chainIds" }).then((result: ChainId[]) => {
// result is ChainIds = ChainId[]
console.log("chainIds:", result);

6. getChain(chainId)

This method provides a way to get the chain ( type of IChain ) object, which handles the on-chain operations.

provider.getChain("AELF").then((chain: IChain) => {
// Do something with the chain object
console.log("chainId:", chain.chainId);


DappEvents will be triggered when the corresponding event occurs.

type DappEvents =
| "connected"
| "message"
| "disconnected"
| "accountsChanged"
| "networkChanged"
| "chainChanged"
| "error";

Use provider.on(event,callback) to listen to those events.

You can see the detailed type definition in @portkey/provider-types project.


interface IChain {
rpcUrl: string;
type: ChainType;
chainId: ChainId;
getContract(contractAddress: string): IContract;

interface IAElfChain extends IAElfRPCMethods, IChain {
/** @deprecated use getContract */
contractAt<T = any>(
address: string,
wallet: AElfWallet
): Promise<ChainMethodResult<T>>;

#1. rpcUrl: string

rpcUrl is the url of the chain's rpc server.

You can use it to send rpc requests to the chain directly.

2. type: ChainType

type describes the type of the chain, for now it is either 'aelf' or 'ethereum'.

You can use it to determine which chain the APP are using.

3. chainId: ChainId

If type is 'aelf' , chainId shows which chain type the APP is on.

For example, 'AELF' means mainchain, 'tDVV' means sidechain.

4. getContract(contractAddress)

getContract creates a way to get the contract ( type of IContract ) object, which handles the contract operations.

try {
const chain = await provider.getChain("AELF");
const contract = chain.getContract("mockContractAddress");
// Do something with the contract object
const result = await contract.callViewMethod(
console.log("result:", result);
} catch (e) {
console.error("getContract error:", e);

You can see detailed type definition in source code.

Request Method & Generic Types

  request<T = Accounts>(params: { method: 'accounts' }): Promise<T>;
request<T = ChainIds>(params: { method: 'chainId' }): Promise<T>;
request<T = ChainIds>(params: { method: 'chainIds' }): Promise<T>;
request<T = NetworkType>(params: { method:'network' }): Promise<T>;
request<T = ChainsInfo>(params: { method: 'chainsInfo' }): Promise<T>;
request<T = Accounts>(params: { method: 'requestAccounts' }): Promise<T>;
request<T = WalletState>(params: { method: 'wallet_getWalletState' }): Promise<T>;
request<T = WalletName>(params: { method: 'wallet_getWalletName' }): Promise<T>;
request<T = Transaction>(params: {
method: 'sendTransaction';
payload: SendTransactionParams;
}): Promise<T>;
request<T = Signature>(params: {
method: 'wallet_getSignature';
payload: GetSignatureParams;
}): Promise<T>;
request<T extends MethodResponse = any>(params: RequestOption): Promise<T>;

You can find the complete type definition like Accounts in source code.

1. method:'chainId' / method:'chainIds'

Returns the current chainId of the Portkey APP's wallet.

Need to know that 'chainId' gets the current chainId, while 'chainIds' gets all the supported chainIds.

provider.request({ method: "chainId" }).then((chainId: ChainId[]) => {
console.log("current chainId is:", chainId);
provider.request({ method: "chainIds" }).then((chainIds: ChainId[]) => {
console.log("current APP supports:", chainIds);

2. method:'chainsInfo'

Gets all the supported chains' information.

provider.request({ method: "chainsInfo" }).then((chainsInfo: ChainsInfo) => {
console.log("mainchain info", chainsInfo.AELF);

3. method:'network'

Returns the current network type of the Portkey APP's wallet.

For now it's either 'MAINNET' or 'TESTNET' .

provider.request({ method: "network" }).then((network: NetworkType) => {
console.log("current network type is:", network);

4. method:'requestAccounts'

Request the Portkey APP's wallet to connect to your dapp, this method is the bridge to get the permission required by the following methods below.

If the user has not connected to your dapp, the Portkey APP's wallet will pop up a window to ask the user to connect to your dapp.

If the user has connected to your dapp and hasn't removed the permission, this method returns info without a second confirmation.

.request({ method: "requestAccounts" })
.then((accounts: Accounts) => {
// User confirmed
console.log("your current mainchain address is:", accounts.AELF[0]);
.catch((e) => {
// User denied your request or other issues

5. method:'accounts'

Returns the current account addresses of the Portkey APP's wallet.

NOTICE : You should use request({ method: 'requestAccounts' }) first for the permission to access.

provider.request({ method: "accounts" }).then((accounts: Accounts) => {
console.log("the aelf mainchain account:", accounts.AELF);

6. method:'wallet_getWalletState'

Returns the current wallet state of the Portkey APP's wallet.

NOTICE : You should use request({ method: 'requestAccounts' }) first for the permission to access.

.request({ method: "wallet_getWalletState" })
.then((walletState: WalletState) => {
console.log("the current wallet state:", walletState);

7. method:'wallet_getWalletName'

Returns the current wallet name of the Portkey APP's wallet.

NOTICE : You should use request({ method: 'requestAccounts' }) first for the permission to access.

.request({ method: "wallet_getWalletName" })
.then((walletName: WalletName) => {
console.log("the current wallet name:", walletName);

8. {method:'sendTransaction',payload:SendTransactionParams}

Send a transaction to the Portkey APP's wallet.

NOTICE : You should use request({ method: 'requestAccounts' }) first for the permission to access.

 const txParams: SendTransactionParams = {
// You can see the detailed type definition in @portkey/provider-types
provider.request({ method: "sendTransaction", payload: txParams }).then((transaction: Transaction) => {
console.log('the transaction:',transaction);
console.error('transaction failed!');
}).catch( e => {
// User denied your request or other issues

9. {method:'wallet_getSignature',payload: GetSignatureParams;}

Get a signature from the Portkey APP's wallet.

NOTICE : You should use request({ method: 'requestAccounts' }) first for the permission to access. The information you need to sign is in readable plaintext, otherwise, a warning message will appear during the signing process. If you need to sign transaction parameters, please use wallet_getTransactionSignature.

  const signatureParams: GetSignatureParams = {
// You can see the detailed type definition in @portkey/provider-types
provider.request({ method: "wallet_getSignature", payload: signatureParams }).then((signature: Signature) => {
console.log('the signature:',signature);
}).catch( e => {
// User denied your request or other issues

10. {method:'wallet_getCurrentManagerAddress'}

Get the Manager Address of the Portkey wallet on the current device

NOTICE : You should use request({ method: 'requestAccounts' }) first for the permission to access.

try {
const managerAddress = await provider.request({
method: 'wallet_getCurrentManagerAddress',
} catch (e) {
// An error will be thrown if the user denies the permission request, or other issues.

providerVersion: 0.0.2+

11. {method:'wallet_getManagerSyncStatus', payload: GetManagerSyncStatusParams}

Get the Manager synchronisation status of the Portkey wallet on the current device

NOTICE : You should use request({ method: 'requestAccounts' }) first for the permission to access.

try {
const status = await provider.request({
method: 'wallet_getManagerSyncStatus',
payload: {
chainId: chainId, // AELF, tDVV, tDVW
// manager synchronization completed
} else {
// manager synchronizing
} catch (e) {
// An error will be thrown if the user denies the permission request, or other issues.

providerVersion: 0.0.2+

12. {method:'wallet_getTransactionSignature',payload:GetSignatureParams}

Get a signature from the Portkey App's wallet. Compared with wallet_getSignature, wallet_getTransactionSignature is an upgraded version which will perform SHA256 before signing.

NOTICE : You should use request({ method: 'requestAccounts' }) first for the permission to access.

try {
// provider.providerVersion
// providerVersion >= 2.1.0
const signature = await provider.request({
method: 'wallet_getTransactionSignature',
payload: {
hexData: '0x...',
if (!signature) throw new Error('sign failed!');
console.log('sign success! signature:', signature);
} catch (e) {
// An error will be thrown if the user denies the permission request, or other issues.

providerVersion: 2.1.0+

13. method:'caHash'

Returns the current account caHash of the Portkey APP's wallet.

NOTICE : You should use request({ method: 'requestAccounts' }) first for the permission to access.

provider.request({ method: "caHash" }).then((caHash: string) => {
console.log('the aelf mainchain account:',caHash);

providerVersion: 2.1.0+

Error Code Enumeration


It means nothing wrong happened, and the result is exactly what you want.

2. USER_DENIED(4001)

It means the user denied the permission request, when you call methods like

request({ method: 'requestAccounts' }) that needs the user's permission. The Wallet will show a dialog that asks the user to make a decision, if the user clicks the "cancel" button, this error will be thrown away. It is recommended to catch this error when you call those methods(for now):

  1. requestAccounts ;
  2. sendTransaction ;
  3. wallet_getSignature .


It means the parameters you passed in are invalid. You should check them again. If you think your params may cause this trouble, you should catch this error and handle it. If you are using a method that doesn't need any params, you can ignore this error.


It means the method you call is not supported by the wallet, check it again.


You are using a method that is not implemented yet, or removed in current version because it is deprecated. Check the Wallet's version before calling those methods.


It means the user has not connected to your dapp, you should call request({ method: 'requestAccounts' }) first to get the permission.

7. TIMEOUT(4006)

The wallet can not provide your expected result in time. You should try again later.


There are some issues that happen when the wallet is calling the contract. You should check your params and try again.


The wallet is facing some internal issues which result in the failure of your request. You should try again later or refresh your page.