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DIDAccountInfo contains account related information as well as the signing key. The signing key can be used to sign transactions for the user.


  • caInfo (CAInfo): Information related to identifying the account.
    • caAddress (string): The virtual account address corresponding to the account.
    • caHash (string): The unique hash value used to identify the account.
  • chainId (string): The chain ID that the user signed in on.
  • signingKey (ISigningKey): The EOA signing key to be used to sign operations for the user.
  • managerInfo (ManagerInfoType): The management EOA account information.


Contract Address Information containing the unique hash of the user's account used to identify the user's account and the corresponding virtual address.


  • caHash (string): The unique hash of the user's account used to identify the user's account.
  • caAddress (string): The virtual address of the user's account used to receive funds etc.


The key pair used to sign transactions.


Description: The address corresponding to the key pair in Base64 format.


Description: The public key corresponding to the key pair in Base58 format.

SignTransaction(Transaction transaction, SuccessCallback<Transaction> successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback)

Description: Method used to sign a Transaction object and returns a transaction object with a valid signature through successCallback.


  • transaction (Transaction): Transaction object which has not been signed. i.e. signature is null.
  • successCallback (SuccessCallback<Transaction>): The successCallback that is called when the transaction is successfully signed. This takes in a Transaction object with a valid signature.
  • errorCallback (ErrorCallback): The error callback when signing a transaction encounters an unexpected error.

Sign(string data, SuccessCallback<byte[]> successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback)

Description: Method used to sign a 32 byte message and returns an array of bytes representing a valid signature corresponding to the message through successCallback.


  • data (string): A 32 byte message in the form of a string to be signed.
  • successCallback (SuccessCallback<byte[]>): The successCallback that is called when the message is successfully signed. This takes in an array of bytes representing a valid signature corresponding to the message input.
  • errorCallback (ErrorCallback): The error callback when signing a transaction encounters an unexpected error.


The login guardian information for the DID account.


  • guardianIdentifier (string): The ID of the guardian i.e. email address or social sub etc.
  • accountType (AccountType): The type of guardian. Can be of type Email, Phone, Google or Apple etc.