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This is the entry point to be used by all developers to access the Portkey SDK.


Description: AuthService provides functions to login and logout.

Returns: Returns an IAuthService object used for logging in and out a user.


var authService = PortkeySDK.AuthService;
// authService.Login(...)


Description: Chain provider provides IChain objects which corresponds to chain deployed on the blockchain.

Returns: Returns an IChainProvider object that users can use to obtain any chain.


var chainProvider = PortkeySDK.ChainProvider;

chainProvider.GetChain("AELF", chain => {
// use chain to perform your required operation such as creating a new ContractBasic
}, error => {


Description: Biometric feature available on iOS and Android devices.

Returns: Returns the IBiometric object that developers can use to trigger biometric verification from user.


var biometric = PortkeySDK.Biometric;

biometric.CanAuthenticate(canAuth =>
if (canAuth)
// biometric.Authenticate(...)

Save(string password, string keyName)

Description: The Save function saves the current logged in DID wallet to a file.


  • password (string): The password used to encrypt the wallet.
  • keyName (string): The name of the key to be saved.

Returns: A boolean value that indicates whether the operation was successful.


// save the Portkey DID account details with the password: "password" and key: "myKey"
var successful = PortkeySDK.Save("password", "myKey");

Load(string password, string keyName)

Description: The Load function loads a DID wallet from the file system.


  • password (string): The password that was used to encrypt the wallet.
  • keyName (string): The name of the key to be loaded.

Returns: A boolean value that indicates whether the operation was successful.


// load the Portkey DID account details with the password: "password" and key: "myKey"
var successful = PortkeySDK.Load("password", "myKey");

GetHolderInfo(GetHolderInfoByManagerParams param, SuccessCallback<CaHolderWithGuardian> successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback)

Description: The GetHolderInfo function is used to get the holder information of a DID.


  • param (GetHolderInfoByManagerParams): Parameters for searching for the holder information through management account address and/or chain ID.
  • successCallback (SuccessCallback<CaHolderWithGuardian>): The success callback returning the holder information.
  • errorCallback (ErrorCallback): The callback function when there is an error.


var param = new GetHolderInfoByManagerParams
manager = _walletInfo.wallet.Address,
chainId = chain.ChainInfo.chainId

StartCoroutine(PortkeySDK.GetHolderInfo(param, (holderInfo) =>
// do something with holderInfo...
}, error => { /*print error*/ }));

GetHolderInfoByContract(GetHolderInfoParams param, SuccessCallback<IHolderInfo> successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback)

Description: Get holder info through contract using information such as contract address from account info.


  • param (GetHolderInfoParams): Account information such as caHash and chainId.
  • successCallback (SuccessCallback<bool>): The callback function when user is successful in getting back holder's info.
  • errorCallback (ErrorCallback): The callback function when there is an error.


var param = new GetHolderInfoParams
caHash = _walletInfo.caInfo.caHash,
chainId = "AELF"

StartCoroutine(PortkeySDK.GetHolderInfoByContract(param, (holderInfo) =>
// do something with holderInfo...
}, error => { /*print error*/ }));


Description: The IsLoggedIn function checks to see if the user is logged in.

Returns: A boolean value indication if the user is logged in.


var loggedIn = PortkeySDK.IsLoggedIn();

//do stuff