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Provider ( PortkeyProvider )

When using the component, you need to use a provider at the top level; otherwise, you won't be able to locate loading.


// page.tsx
import '@portkey/did-ui-react/dist/assets/index.css';
import { PortkeyProvider, SignIn} from '@portkey/did-ui-react';

export default function APP() {
return (
<PortkeyProvider networkType={"TESTNET"} theme={'dark'}>
<SignIn />

// rewrites.js
module.exports = [
source: '/api/:path*',
destination: '*'
source: '/graphql/:path*',
destination: '*',


networkTypeNetwork typestring-
themeTheme control. We currently use theme to manage icons with prominent differences in the light/dark themes. If you wish to adjust the theme color, we expose CSS variables and you can control the theme color through CSS variables.'dark' , 'light''light'